FOXPRO – Fuzzy Wuzzy Decoy Topper


FOXPRO Shockwave Electronic Game Caller

FOXPRO Inc. is proud to introduce our NEW decoy topper. The Fuzzy Wuzzy is the decoy topper that many predator hunters have been waiting for from FOXPRO. Just like the Bird Topper that we currently offer, the Fuzzy Wuzzy will provide excellent movement in the field.


Feature Highlights

  • Compatible with the Hellcat, Jack Jr., Jack Daddy, Cabelas Outfitter Series, Cabelas Outfitter Series SLP, Fox Jack 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, HammerJack, HammerJack2, Prairie Blaster 3, HiJack, X-Decoy


5 in stock


All Models of FOXPRO Digital Calls Available at | FREE Custom Sound Programming |

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